Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Chapter Four: Shipwrecked

"Well if you told me you were drowning,
I would not lend a hand.
I've seen your face before my friend,
but I don't know if you know who I am.
Well I was there and I saw what you did,
I saw it with my own two eyes.
So you can wipe off that grin,
I know where you've been.
It's all been a pack of lies."
Phil Collins - In the Air Tonight

Flattering Figure
The rich, chic Marc Jacobs boasted a delicate lace pattern across the bust, followed by an 'I really can't fucking breathe' waist line. Although I could barely move, I had to admit my figure looked more than flattering as I eyed myself in front of a full length mirror. Alice completed my outfit with a pair of Jimmy Choo black kitten heels and a simple diamond tear necklace.

Pure Vintage
Not to be outdone, Alice had chosen a startling white vintage Christian Dior. The crisp color of the material, along with the white Manolo Blahnik heels she had paired with it, complimented her bronzed skin wonderfully. Her soft, brown locks were piled in a messy bun, with a few stray tendrils falling into her eyes. Her eyes were dramatically dark, and her pout boasted the most bold shade of red I had ever seen.

Tempting Mr. Black
Pulling away from him, I took notice of his attire. He looked stunning in his black suit, the material nearly matching the color of his own hair. He was freshly shaven and if I was a betting woman, he probably had managed to smell as tempting as he looked. It was the best I had ever seen Jake look in the time I had known him. Granted Jake didn't normally look like some thrown out piece of yesterday's trash, but tonight I felt privileged to be tucked at his side.

Perfectly Luxurious
My breath hitched the moment we stepped foot onto the deck, an audible gasp literally escaping my throat. It was one of the most gorgeous sights I had ever seen. The polished, wood deck was littered with waiters, dressed to the tens in crisp white tux's with matching white gloves, busily running around the deck with silver plated trays. Guests were dressed in the most gorgeous black and white couture and there was even a small orchestra hidden in the corner left of the deck, their white suits perfectly mimicking the waiters. To add contrast, red velvet couches, along with matching red umbrellas and soft white lanterns were strategically placed around the deck, allowing luxurious places to sit and rest while others mingled.

Personal Hell
I turned to see him lost amidst a sea of women, each model material and linked around his arms. Surprisingly, although a specific dress code had been stated, he was clad in a pair of rather expensive looking dark grey slacks, complete with a black colored shirt and a iced grey sports jacket. He donned the same shoes I had seen him in this morning at the coffee house, their black leather polished into a high shine. Covering his eyes, were the same pair of shades that had taunted me earlier and a Cheshire cat grin to boost. His hair was blowing in the wind wildly, lose strands sticking in every direction.

Taunted Memories
The same woman in the numerous photos hung above his bed. His bed. The same woman in the photos who wore an enormous glistening ring, the same ring I couldn't help but stare at. His wife.

Stunning Show
After a few grunts, three almost near spills of my champagne, and one good dress re-adjustment, I managed to pull myself completely to the top of the deck. Directly in front of the staircase was a hot tub, the water glowing slightly purple. The lighting was softer here than the rest of the areas, even more beautiful than the party floor had been. The breeze was cooler, and the view was stunning. A thousand stars blazed brightly in the sky, dancing across the water. The moon shone brightly, giving me my own personal show. I breathed in deeply, my lungs filling with the sea's salt and fresh air. Although I had already established to myself that I didn't belong here, I couldn't help but smile. It was breathtaking.

"Heidsieck..," he continued, ignoring my obvious eye rolls. "Or rather Shipwrecked Heidsieck came from the Heidsieck vineyard."
"Yes, Shipwrecked," he said as he took another swig from the bottle. "Shipwrecked because the ship these bottles were being transported on wrecked off the coast of Finland in 1916. This particular bottle was made in 1907."

Guttural Groans
I pressed against his body harder, pushing him off me completely and into the opposite wall of the tub. My legs found themselves wrapping around his hips, straddling him, and I groaned at the friction. My lips kissed down his jaw line, onto his bare shoulders, and nipped at his bare shoulders. He let out a low guttural groan before fisting Alice's dress, stretching the material, and pulling it down to expose my chest. My head lulled backwards as I felt his lips against my skin. His lips were warm, warmer than the tropical air.

Ignited Growls
"I'm going to finish what I started Mrs. Newton," he growled, wasting no time to plunge his tongue between my waiting folds.
Moans escaped passed my lips, as I allowed myself to get swept in the feel of him. I felt the spark inside of me ignite. "Yes..."
I smiled in pure ecstasy as he hummed against my sex, my hand reaching out to push him further into me. I craved more, I needed release. "Oh God, Edward..."

Chaste Lies
To add to her desperate act, I leaned in closely planting a chaste kiss across her lips. To know she would have been livid with rage if she possibly could have known where my lips had been was nearly the highlight of my night, more than that, my entire existence. My contained fits of laughter continued to burn in my stomach, nearly escaping, as Tanya pressed herself deeper into our kiss, opening her own mouth to grant me access. I was almost positive my own lips, tongue, and mouth were littered with the taste of Bella, however, Tanya remained clueless. No doubt her taste buds had been soured by the generous amount of champagne she had consumed.