Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chapter 7: Spike

She looks at me to tell me when it's over.
Cuz I would never leave you
High and dry.
You Got Me - Crash Kings 

 Morning Gossip
Edward turned the paper, taking a glance at the photo himself. "You know how I hate crowds Tanya. I chose to sit in the suite. The floor was filled with paparazzi and I didn't see it fit that I be photographed with my client alongside Jasper."

I sighed internally. Edward was much too quick on his feet. His brain processed at a much faster rate than most. His answer seemed honest and true, however I knew Edward well enough to know his statement was painted with lies. "My father's suite?" I spat back. "You know he despises you Edward. I'm sure he'd hate to know you have been lounging in his precious suite."

Edward smiled, yet again shielding his face with the paper. "Oh Tanya, I'm sure he'd hate me for a lot more than just lounging," he spoke, his statement cryptic. I didn't know how to respond; instead I chose to sit in silent.
Seaside Lunch

The pleasant warmth of the mid-morning Miami sun felt fabulous against my skin as I relaxed in my chair alongside a few other patrons at a quaint seaside bistro. The early morning joggers had since come and gone and the once busy jogging path was now replaced by a few sand volleyball courts. I waited for Alice, who as usual was running severely late. However, this morning I didn't much mind, I passed the time sipping on tequila sunrises and nibbling on a few bits of smoked salmon.

Beach Babes

It didn't take me long to spot him. He was quickly approaching the bistro, a volleyball in one hand, his other draped around the waist of a young, beautiful, curvaceous woman who boasted a barely there, red string bikini, the most flattering sun kissed skin and luscious waves of dark hair. If Miami had a poster child, she would be it. Tanya, Edward's wife wouldn't stand a chance. She wasn't even in the same league as this woman.

It took me a moment to drag my eyes from her as she nearly skipped across the beach, Edward looking very content with his arm draped casually around her curves. Two other women followed closely behind them and giddily chatted it up with each other. They were both beautiful in their own right, one tall and rather skinny, the other shorter and curvier however neither compared to the woman at Edward's side.

Clang and Clatter

A bang clattered off the walls as she stepped out of the stall, the door hitting the tile with force. She turned to face me, her eyes narrowed and the anger mingled with lust rolled off her in waves. I braced myself for the confrontation. My cock twitched. Mine.

"Oh, now you want to talk Mr. Cullen? Who do you think you are? You think you can do this every time you're around me. This time, it's not happening. I don't want this. I don't want you."

I inched slightly forward, slowly creeping away from the counter, keeping my eyes locked on hers. I shook my head, "Oh Mrs. Newton, your words are useless to me when they are lies."

Her eyes widened before narrowing again. She was out for blood. The adrenaline pumping through my body went straight through to my cock and now I suddenly was starting to throb. Inching myself forward with each step, I pressed her back against the stalls and stood before her.

Handy Descent 

I pushed off the wall only to be slammed back into it. I was stunned. Her hot little mouth was everywhere. Lips, neck, skin. Every piece of me was now hers.

Shifting my hips towards her, she took a step back. "Ah, ah, Mr. Cullen."
I smirked at her knowing exactly what she was doing. I let her have her little fun for now, knowing that in the end I would still get what I wanted. Her.

"Oh now, now, Mrs. Newton, that's hardly fair."

Sharp eyes met mine as her nails dug harder against me. "Mr. Cullen, do you even want to discuss what is fair with me?"

Her hands traveled down my body until they reached the waistband of my shorts. That's right, she couldn't tell me she didn't want it. Crave it.