Thursday, September 30, 2010

ID Video!

So Superwoman herself, Jaime Arkin has made a video for ID! It's amazing! Please enjoy!

here's the link to other videos she's done: Jaime's blog

Thanks Jaime!!! MUAH!!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Chapter Six: Heat

Something takes a part of me
You and I were meant to be
A cheap fuck for me to lay
Something takes a part of me
Freak on a Leash - Korn

Desk Daydreams
Edward donned only in a loosely fitted tie, his toned, naked body hovering above me as he splayed me across his desk, my hair fanning over the edge, his fingers creating delicious goosebumps across my skin . Random files fluttered to the ground as he propped my feet over his shoulders, his teeth nipping at the fleshy part of my ankles. Reaching for his tie, I smiled in pleasure, watching it tighten around his neck, forcing his perfected face towards mine, my lips eager and waiting for his own.

Improper Notetaking

Sighing, I looked down at my memo pad to view the notes I had taken.

Miami Heat vs. Chicago Bulls
Ball goes in hoop.
Very important game
Lots of tattoos on players.

Quite honestly this was useless. It seemed as if the more the players scrambled around the court, the more my mind started to wander. I was everywhere but the game. I was with Jacob in his office, his angered face causing me to cower. I was with Alice in the courtroom, her brutal words desperately trying to win my case, while her eyes flirted with the judge. I was with Cynthia in our small cubicles, her face grimacing in horror as I exposed my secrets.

Most of all I was with him...

Tied Up

Feeling a bit forceful, I pushed Edward down onto the plush cushions, his hands desperately clawing for me as he fell. Gazing at him from under my lashes, I sauntered towards him. My shirt was open, my breasts on full display. Licking his lips, he began to loosen his tie.

"Keep the tie on," I ordered, surprised by the tone in my voice. 

 Couch Confessions
Reaching under my skirt, I pushed my thong to the side. Before he had time to react, I slammed down on him, letting him fill me completely.

"Fuck..." he cried as he threw his head back..

"Do you like that, Edward? Do you feel me all around you? Do you feel the affect you have on me?" I breathed out in between pound after pound. His hands tried to get a steady grip on my hips but I was working too quickly for him to grasp what was happening. I suddenly felt empowered; strong and needy. I would take what he would give and demand for more. 

"Ungh, Bella. It's... it's the same for me. You... ungh... the same." He managed to muster up.

Peep Show

"You wanted me to finish what I started Bella? Well, it started here against the window for all of Miami to see. Let them see you my little voyeur, let them see you."

He spread me as he had before, my hands wide against the glass, my legs spread just as wide; open and waiting for him.

"You're wetter than you normally are Bella, why is that? Are you hotter knowing that people could be watching us? Yes, that must be it," he said as he slammed back into me.

"Shit!" I gritted out through my teeth and slammed a hand against the glass. This was the point of no return. I'm sure at least someone out there had noticed the activities going on in this suite, but I just did not care.   

Monday, September 13, 2010

Chapter 6 Teaser

Spinning me once again, my back now pressed firmly against the glass, he suddenly began to assault my neck, his warm lips littering my skin with fire. I was frozen in place, however I couldn’t help but to release a slight pleasurable moan as his tongue danced from my throat to the soft spot of my lobe, ending his trail with a soft nip from his teeth. His hands snaked up the side of my blouse, my breaths becoming erratic and exceptionally unsteady. My head started to spin once again as his fingers smoothly unhooked a few of the blouse’s buttons, my mind not able to form a coherent thought. He seemed to relish in this, taking longer on each button than he had the last. 

“Edward,” I breathlessly whispered, my insides battling between a war of pleasure and corruption. “This has to stop.”

A low protest formed in his chest. “Fuck that. We’re not stopping,” he ground out as he continued his invasion of my body.

I wanted him to continue; I needed him to continue, but I knew better. “No, seriously, it’s too risky. There’s… there are too many people. Anyone can see…”

Grabbing my wrist, he pulled them above my head, the strain sending a slight surge of delicious pain through my body as he pinned me further to the glass. I tried to break myself from his grasp, but he was too strong and suddenly I became much too weak under his spell to continue to challenge him.

His gaze flickered to my eyes momentarily before landing on my nearly exposed chest. Lowering his head, his teeth began nipping at the last hooked button. A loud gasp escaped my mouth as his tongue teased my lace covered breasts, his grip at my wrist tightening with each pass.

“This ends when I say it ends, Bella.”

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A True Friend Is Rare.

Hello loves. It's been a minute. TOO long of a minute. It feels good to be back. The next chapters are in the final stages of being sent the beta, so hopefully depending on her sched, we might be posting next week. Be prepared for quite a bit of changes to the story! Swan and I are anxious to finish this bad boy. Ahem speaking of bad boy, I heard round' the bush Miamiward and Irreconcilable Differences have gotten nominated for quite a few things. Big kudos and thank you to all who nominated us, it means so much!

Swan isn't even aware I'm writing this post, and to be quite honest she's probably going to kick my ass when she realizes it's here, but I really don't give a hoot.

Quite a few of you have been wanting to know what's been going on .. and I have a wee bit to get off my chest too :)
A week after our last post, my husband went into the hospital with what he thought was (and was being told by doctors) acid reflux. On May 20th they admitted him into the hospital after running several blood tests, and finding out his condition was a little more severe than what they had orginally thought. By 6pm the tests came back to reveal he had pancreatitis. Friday morning, I went to work hoping to get through the day as quickly as possible, not thinking my life was about to be turned around more than it had been. I got laid off due to corporate downsizing and on the way back to the hospital in tears I called Swan. By the time I had gotten back to the hospital, the doctors had pulled me aside, telling me my husbands condition was worse than they had expected. His condition was Necrotizing Pancreatitis (I could go into some heavy duty explaination here, but I'll just say it's where your pancreas decides it just wants to 'eat' itself). As if that wasn't bad enough, his kidneys and liver were starting to fail.

Within hours and without any explaination Swan was at the hospital. (We live approx 5 hours from eachother) When others cringed at his sickness (pancreatitis is not pretty by any means), Swan just sat in his room, cracked jokes and made him smile.

By Saturday morning the doctors were telling us to prepare for funeral arrangements, that he was in renal failure, his pancreas was basically finished, and his white blood cell count was off the charts, much too high to control. They told me his only chance was to have him transferred to a more sufficient hospital, or basically watch him die within days.

Saturday we transferred to one of the largest hospitals in the area, by Saturday night they had induced coma, in which he remained for nearly 2 1/2 weeks. During this time his heart had stopped several times, eventually leading them to put in a temporary pacemaker. He had to go through 6 rounds of dialysis to restart his kidneys. He had interal bleeding into his stomach cavity and was given 8 units of blood. He went into respiratory failure and had to have a full tracheostomy. He also have a severe case of pneumonia and a collapsed lung. (Basically anything shitty that could have happened .. happened.)

The hubs spent a total of 50 days in the hospital. He is at home now, and is doing well, however we still have a long road. He is due for surgery in October and will spent another week or so in the hospital, before he is released to rest at home again. Another month or two of recovery at home .. and then hopefully we will be home free afterwards.
I can't even express in words how much Swan means to me. During the hubs stay in the ICU, overnight accommodations weren't the best. She slept right next to me on the hard floor and more often than not we were lucky to get a few hours of snooze time here and there. She wouldn't complain when we would go to bed at 4am and the hospital staff would turn on the lights at 7am. We were running on cafeteria food and tons of coffee. She would drive me back and forth to the hospital, and sometimes we'd stay for several days at the hospital without returning to my home. Taking a shower in the hospitals 'special' rooms were weird .. and gross. Instead of bitching, she would just laugh.

During the day while I was back in the hubs room, sometimes for hours, Swan would sit outside in the waiting room. I can't even begin to tell her how big of a comfort it was just to know she was there. There were nights when I would come from his room puffy faced and teary eyed and without word Swan would understand.

They always say when you go through hard times your true friends stick by your side. I've lived 27 years on this earth and I don't think I have ever found a more true friend than Swan. She's perfect, beautiful on the inside and out. I can't even begin to thank her for everything she's done for me. She continues to amaze me and I'm so thankful she was brought into my life. (Thank you to my sexy Rob Patt for 'introducing' us!) She's beautiful, inside and out. I am lucky to call her a friend. Someday I can only hope to be there for her as much as she has for me.

I <3 you always. Much love BBs.
See you in Miami loves!