Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Chapter 5: Trash

"Sex SEX Sex
...And don't forget the violence."
Marilyn Manson - This Is The New Shit

Jury of Dreams
Edward suddenly leaped from his chair, banging it against the bench pew behind him.  "Permission to approach the bench, Judge Whitlock?"
The Judge sighed, adjusting in his seat before answering.  "Permission granted."
Edward walked toward me, his smile cruelly burning through my exterior.  He didn't stop when he approached the wooden stand, instead he stepped up the few stairs to stand right next to me in the small area.
"Bella," he breathed, grabbing my chair and spinning it towards him.  Leaning into me, his breath came in hot wisps across my face, the familiar smell of my many trysts rushing excitedly to pool at my center.  "Judge Whitlock would like to know what you've done.  I think you should answer him, Mrs. Newton," Edward breathed, leaning closer.

Unsettling Texts
Office.  10AM. 
     J. Black
I looked at the clock; it was nearly eight thirty in the morning… on a Saturday.  This worried me.  Granted, Jake occasionally would stop in the office on the weekends, but it was always by himself; he would never think to call any of his employees in unless they had been previously scheduled.  Plus, Jake wasn't one to text, hell he wasn't even one to email.  Even with his job as head editor, he seemed to be constantly repelling technology.  A good old fashioned call from Jacob usually suited his standards, so needless to say a text from him, had hundreds of butterflies taking flight in my stomach.

Breathtakingly Beautiful
 I liked to think I was pretty lucky when it came to an office space.  The Miami Times is located on the 30th floor of a gorgeous scraper amidst the city's skyline.  Granted, my cubicle was small but I had insanely gorgeous views of Miami.  However, Edward's office was a sight to be reckoned with.  His walls were professionally painted in darker shades of grey that accompanied the lighter shade in the main rooms.  Instead of marble, his floors boasted a beautifully shined teak wood.  His furniture was sleek and seamless, glass accented with darker shades of carved wood.  Black and white photos just like the ones in the main entry way graced his walls, however these were of old wooden docks, each decrepitly beautiful.  The obvious focal point of the room was the floor to ceiling glass window panes that completed his back wall.  A window full of palm trees, the soft sand of the beach, and blue waves crashing into the shore nearly one hundred feet away took my breath away.  Between the natural light of the sun and the darkness of the walls, the whole look was quite melodramatic; quite captivating.

 Heated Exchange
"What the fuck are you doing here?  Come to ruin my marriage in front of my wife?  Just because yours isn't working doesn't mean you have the right to destroy mine!  You're lucky I got her out of here when I did,” Edward yelled at me, his chest heaving between breaths.

Near Freedom
I spun on my heel and hurried myself towards the exit, towards freedom.  I didn't want to run, to give myself away.  I had to get away from him, but tried to keep myself in check.  I couldn't be certain, but I thought I heard something hit the ground behind me, however I kept moving forward.  Suddenly, a firm grip wrapped around my arm and I was thrust into a small room mere feet away from the outside world.

Marked Skin
Mustering up as much force as I could, I pushed my arms against him, shoving him completely from my body.  In a sudden fit, I grasped at his shirt, ripping it open as hard as I possibly could, his surprised expression, nearly sending me into a fit of giggles.  Harshly slapping my palms on his chest, I slowly dragged my nails down his muscled abs, watching as he grimaced.  His sun-kissed skin plumped as my nails left their marks; I smiled, more than pleased.  He sucked in a quick breath and a low moan escaped from the back of his throat.  "Tell me, Mr. Cullen, how does that feel?"
Obnoxious Tugs
Edward moaned as he caught me eyeing him, suddenly grabbing my wrist and pulling my hands away from his throbbing cock.  I wanted to whimper at the loss of touch, but was too excited for what was to come.  He quickly spun me around, placing my arms against the door.  Covering them for a moment with his own hands, his hot breath trailed on my neck.  With a slight shift he pushed his dick into the small of my back, grinding into the back of me.  I groaned at the friction, but desperately needed more.  Slowly, he dragged his hands down my arms, grazed the side of my breasts, and pulled on my shirt with an obnoxious tug.  What little buttons he hadn't managed to undo earlier pinged across the room, his teeth nipping cruelly at my exposed shoulder, his hands roughly unclasping my bra, harshly cupping at my chest.
Angered Thrusts
Feeling a slight bit of anger, I pushed my ass further into him, eliciting a mound of profanities from his lips.  Before I even had time to process what was happening, he pulled my tight pencil skirt up as far as he could, the sound of ripping material filling the small room.  Pushing my soaked panties to the side, he waivered for a moment, his breath deliciously heavy against my shoulder.  With a sudden force, he thrust inside of me, pushing all the way to the hilt, slamming me into the door.

Tainted Marriage
My marriage certificate was covered in him.
He had pulled out of me just as he was about to come, finishing over my file, his residue smearing not only mine, but Mike's signature as well.
What.  The.  Fuck?