Thursday, May 13, 2010


It's a pretty RAW cut.  Full of Cullen's comma whoring issues and maybe a few other errors, but enjoy.   We're trying to get these out as quickly as possible to you and thought you might enjoy another outtake in the meantime!

"Money, so they say.
Is the root of all evil today."
Pink Floyd - Money


She danced over him, his fingertips gliding over her toned stomach, her hair fell in waves over their faces. Her hands adorned with brightly colored, plastic fingernails, pushed his head between her naked, fake breasts. His lips creased in an overly obnoxious smile as she climbed into his lap, her covered heat grinding against his leg.

Taking a slight swig of my draft beer, I chuckled and turned my head slightly, looking into a set of familiar eyes.

"And just what the fuck are we doing here?" I barked over the loud music, grinning as Mike left his seat, the stripper guiding him by his hand like some sick, sad little puppy through the horribly obnoxious, lighted stripclub.

Edward grinned, leaning further back in his chair, smirking as a few of the dancers passed by, waving and giggling like schoolgirls. ''Best happy hour in Miami," he smiled, taking a drink of his bourbon.

I nodded my head in response, the loud music starting to become irritating in my ears. "Why didn't you think to invite Whit?"

"He's busy. Fucking a tornado... or something," Edward chuckled as a small blonde woman climbed into his lap, his hands grabbing her hips, guiding them to create the friction I assumed he desired.


I watched as he took another hefty gulp of his drink. He seemed to take his time indulging in the auburn liquid, smiling as the woman leaned down, running her tongue slowly across his upper lip. Waiving a nonchalant hand towards me, he continued with his escapades. "I don't know. I don't get involved in his personal matters."

I let out a hearty laugh. Who did he think he was kidding?  "Are you serious, man? He's one of your best friends and you're going to sit here and tell me you don't get involved in his life? You expect me to believe that?"

Edward sat there, shifting uncomfortably as the woman bent over him, her full cheeky flesh within inches of his face. Even with obvious distraction and the terrible lighting in the club, I could tell something was on his mind. Regardless, it didn't give him an excuse to act like an asshole.

"You know Ed, he told me the way you treated his girl on the boat the other night. Not cool man," I shook my head, "Not fucking cool. I'm just sorry I wasn't there to intervene and put you in your place. Sounds like you need a good ass kicking these days."

In my mind I tried to sort out what could possibly be disturbing him. True, he had been working more than his usual hours, but that wasn't abnormal for Edward. His social life had seemed to be taking a dive lately, other than the paparazzi and Tanya's vulgar friends, he rarely had anybody to confide in. However he knew he could always confide in me; his brother. Edward was a difficult specimen. I would never push him to divuldge information he wasn't ready to share, however if he kept acting like a bonifide asshole ...well, fuck. Then I was going to start pushing.

"Don't start with me Em. It's not my fucking fault Jasper can't control his little peons he likes to associate himself with. Besides, she's the opposing lawyer in court, and that's just all sorts of fucked up," he managed to blurt out right as the dancer smothered him yet again.

I stared at him. Edward had always been a little cocky around the sleeves, it was just his nature. Living in Miami didn't help this matter. However lately, he had been different. His hits had been a bit more personal.

"Dude... what the fuck has gotten into you?"

He responded, not even looking at me. Focusing on the floozy grinding on top of him instead. "What do you mean what the fuck has gotten into me? When did it become a crime to get a little action in my life?"

"It's not a crime man, but Jesus... you've been walking around acting like a complete cocksucker. I don't even know who you are anymore."