Monday, May 3, 2010

Chapter Five; TEASER

You asked for it; you shall receive.  It's completely raw and unedited.  So excuse the horrible grammar, punctuation & anything else we've missed.   Enjoy a little tease while our beta is busy at work.  Enjoy!

"Something wrong?" he snickered, the palm of his hand trying to grasp for my hip.

Successfully managing to block him, I turned from his grasp and tried to make my way towards the door. "You like to think you can have me anyway you want, but you can't. Not now, not anymore," I barked at him. "You may be able to fuck anything you want in Miami, but I'm going to be the one thing you can’t have."

His eyes darkened as a dark chuckle escaped his lips. "Feisty you are today Mrs. Newton. Maybe you do have a backbone after all." The smug smile remained in place as he continued, "As much as I enjoy this new attitude of yours, I have to correct you on one thing.  You see, I can have you and I will have you."

I rolled my eyes towards him as I grasped the doors knob, my chest heaving with excitement at the mere fact that I had finally been able to stand up to him. I was prepared to open the door and fully walk away from him, fully exit from his perfect world.

“Mrs. Newton?” he asked, his eyebrows perked. “Just one thing before you leave.”

Letting go of the heavy knob, I turned towards him slowly, breathing in deeply as I watched him search the rows of files, finally placing his fingers on one in particular and giving a quick pull. Walking towards me, he thumbed the manila folder in his hands, giving me full advantage to see the papers.

To my horror, I watched as pictures, copied documents, bank statements, and a marriage certificate flipped between his fingers; My file, my life was literally racing before me as he continued to walk towards me. Pressing his body flush against mine, I sucked in a heavy breath of air as his palm closed the door behind us, the click of the lock echoing loudly throughout the room.
“Ironic isn’t it? Your life...,” he grinned, his lips grazing my collar bone. “Right here, between my fingers."

I swallowed noisily, my throat suddenly becoming extremely dry. Edward backed away, and resumed thumbing through my file, quick glimpses of my previous life continuing to tease and taunt my brain.

"I'm good at many things, as you know Mrs. Newton, but I'm especially good at my job. That's what people pay me for. People know this, I know this, Miami knows this. You see, Alice is fresh meat... or freshly fucked as we attorneys like to call it. She's right out of college, starting off on her own. Quite cute actually,” he smiled, amusing only himself. "I make people like Alice cry. I humiliate them in the courtroom."
 "I think Alice can hold her own," I barked towards him, turning my back towards him once again, my fingers fumbling on the door lock.

He laughed, placing my file under his left arm while grabbing me with his right, only to spin me around to face him. "That may be, however I know people and I know the right people. I’m not in this business to play make believe. I’m here to ruin people and I have the ability to end her career before it even starts. When I told you the other day, I could ruin you, I meant that. Ruining both you and Alice would be a pleasurable experience for me, quite exciting actually."

I seethed in his direction, my putrid hate for him seeping into the room. Taking my eyes off his, I could only manage to stare at my file that was tucked safely under his arm.

"Want it?" he breathed, bringing the file out from under his arm and waving in front of my face.

"You know I do," I gulped, following the manila file with my eyes, my heart skipping a beat as a sudden flick of his wrist sent my file fluttering to the ground. My life, my once peaceful life scattering across the floor. Looking down towards the discarded documents he snickered. To access my file, meant one thing. I would have to succumb, sink to my knees in front of him.

"I'm not giving you what you want Edward Cullen. I'm not going to sink to my knees like one of your little whores," I quietly breathed, my breath fanning across his face. I could barely allow myself to look at him in fear I would actually give in to his little game.

"Hmm, is that so?" Edward murmured, pressing me up against the door once again, his arms blocking me in a small cage. "Tell me one thing Mrs. Newton. When I do this...," he whispered, his nose running a line down my jaw, his warm tongue flicking gingerly at my skin. "Or this," he asked, his right hand slipping from the side of my head, running a line down my blouse, his index finger taunting feverishly at my exposed flesh, plucking at a few of the buttons. "How do you feel?"

Turning my head, I squelched the urge to moan. With just a simple touch of his fingertip, just a simple flick of his tongue had already sent a round of warmed, wetness between my legs... and he knew it.

The fucking prick knew it.